As mentioned in the introduction I had regularly noticed that with the majority of articles on people loosing weight most of them had experienced a moment or a certain event in their life which helped them to kickstart their weightloss.I had been unhappy with my current appearance but I would definetly say that my momment of realisation was in April 2001.
I was visiting NewYork with my college and was having a fantastic time, the second we arrived you instantly knew you were in NewYork. The buildings, people on the streets, even the smell seemed to match the images I had previously only seen on television or in movies. Baring in mind this was 6 months before the attack on the twin towers, the place was fantastic.
We've all heard of American size portions, their famous for their sizes and how large just about everything is, especially NewYork. I was in fat-lad heaven, Mcdonalds supersize was bigger than ours, pizza slices I thought only excisted in Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles cartoons, a famous cafe, visited by Jamie Oliver just as he was starting out his TV career, called the Carnigi Deli served food by the pound weight, the beef sandwich nearly suffocated me it it was that densley packed!
On a visit to a department store to buy clothes and gifts I was extremely happy, designer clothes in sizes which back home would be impossible to find. Growing up as large as I was meant my only source of clothing had to come from mens shops such as Burtons Menswear. Not because I particularly liked the stuff they sold their but basically because they stocked shirts and trousers above size L and weighst 36".
Browsing through the piles and piles of Raulph Lauren jumpers and Tommy Hilfiger polo shirts I noticed that none of my friends were with me. I looked around but all I could see were several overweight shoppers such as myself all busy looking at the designer clothes in the same way I was, joyful at the sight of XL, XXL and even XXXL. I looked around and also realised I was the only teenager in that particular section. These guys were in their late 20's and 30's and looked unhappy, unhealthy and basically overweight, sweating under the halogen shop lights, glistening with glee at the sight of a pair or trousers that would actually fit and look half decent in.
I was the only teenager in the section and I was hitting XXL for some of the bargains on offer, I never wanted to reach the XXXL mark that I now felt closer too then more than I had ever before. It was at this point I knew that when I got home I needed to stop with the way of life I had grown so used too and begin to make some major changes.
I was visiting NewYork with my college and was having a fantastic time, the second we arrived you instantly knew you were in NewYork. The buildings, people on the streets, even the smell seemed to match the images I had previously only seen on television or in movies. Baring in mind this was 6 months before the attack on the twin towers, the place was fantastic.
We've all heard of American size portions, their famous for their sizes and how large just about everything is, especially NewYork. I was in fat-lad heaven, Mcdonalds supersize was bigger than ours, pizza slices I thought only excisted in Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles cartoons, a famous cafe, visited by Jamie Oliver just as he was starting out his TV career, called the Carnigi Deli served food by the pound weight, the beef sandwich nearly suffocated me it it was that densley packed!
On a visit to a department store to buy clothes and gifts I was extremely happy, designer clothes in sizes which back home would be impossible to find. Growing up as large as I was meant my only source of clothing had to come from mens shops such as Burtons Menswear. Not because I particularly liked the stuff they sold their but basically because they stocked shirts and trousers above size L and weighst 36".
Browsing through the piles and piles of Raulph Lauren jumpers and Tommy Hilfiger polo shirts I noticed that none of my friends were with me. I looked around but all I could see were several overweight shoppers such as myself all busy looking at the designer clothes in the same way I was, joyful at the sight of XL, XXL and even XXXL. I looked around and also realised I was the only teenager in that particular section. These guys were in their late 20's and 30's and looked unhappy, unhealthy and basically overweight, sweating under the halogen shop lights, glistening with glee at the sight of a pair or trousers that would actually fit and look half decent in.
I was the only teenager in the section and I was hitting XXL for some of the bargains on offer, I never wanted to reach the XXXL mark that I now felt closer too then more than I had ever before. It was at this point I knew that when I got home I needed to stop with the way of life I had grown so used too and begin to make some major changes.